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Soldadora kennedy


PIPEWORX 350 FIELDPRO:Simplified Cable Management, Complete Control at the Weld Joint, Arc Performance Optimized for Critical Pipe Welding, New Durability Standard for Field Construction.
Migatronic Pi series description: New pulse sound with Synergy PLUS, Welding with up to 200 A using just a 16 A fuse, Up to 4 x 64 program settings, TIG Liftig is standard on all machines, TIG-A-Tack - ultimate tack-welding, Fan reduced noise and energy consumption, Gouging for thick wall material, AC welding: one button – four parameters, D.O.C - quicker AC welding, Synergic gas flow with large-scale reduction of gas consumption, Better welding, better finish, IGC offers more advantages for the industrial machines, “Gas monitoring” - another IGC feature, Large-scale reduction of gas consumption.

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Miembro Gratis desde 28/06/2016

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