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5 Inch Drill Pipe Grade S135 19.50ppf NC50 4 1/2in IF API Conn with HB & IPC 3 Cycle Make & Break R2


Ad Type: For Sale or Lease
Location: Americas
Price: By Email Request Only
Condition: NEW

Equipment Description: 5 OD New Drill Pipe, Grade S-135, 19.50ppf, NC50 4 1/2 IF API Conn, comes with Hard Banding on Box and Pin, with Internal Plastic Coating, 3 cycle make & break, thread protectors, R2 mfg as per API 5D latest specs.

Quantity: 3000 JTS
Delivery: Ready Stock
Origin: American
Mill Certs: Comes with MTRS at shipment

This pipe could be purchased outright or rented for 181 days or longer rental terms we ship worldwide beside this we carry full line of drill pipes from 2 3/8 to 7 5/8 OD in all grades weights in API and PREMIUM connections.

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Miembro Gratis desde 23/01/2014

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