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6 5/8 Inch OD Premium DWB Drill Pipe S135 FH Conn, 27.70ppf, with HB IPC, R2


Ad Type: For Sale
Location: North America
Price: By Email Request Only
Condition: Excellent Condition
Company: Tubular King

Equipment Description: 6 5/8 Inch OD Drill Pipe Premium in Excellent condition as good as new, Grade S135, 27.70 lbs. per ft quality, 6 5/8 Inch Full Hole Connection, Tool Joint 8 3/8 Inch OD to 8 1/2 Inch OD x 4 1/4 Inch ID, with existing Internal Plastic Coating and Hard Banding in GREAT Condition applied when NEW manufactured per API 5D specs, comes with Thread Protectors, MTRS provided at delivery.

Quantity: 400 Joints
Origin: North America

Besides this we also provide a full range of OCTG tubing, casing, line pipe, ductile iron pipe, in all ODs, weights, ranges, and connections. Please send us your precise requirements via email.

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We rent & sell our Drilling Equipments WORLDWIDE.

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Miembro Gratis desde 23/01/2014

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