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Conjunto de la placa de circuito impreso


Applicable PCB (L x W): 50 × 50 to 700 × 460mm
Minimum component: 0201
Minimum QFP pitch: 0.4mm
Minimum IC pitch: 0.30mm
Minimum BGA ball diameter: 0.40mm
Ball pitch: 1.0mm
Maximum BGA size: 74x74mm

Service include: PCB layout and BOM design or copying, component procurement, SMT, DIP, enclosure assembly, test and packing
Mounting capability: 9,000,000 chips a day. DIP: 700,000 pieces a day
We are planning to prepare 2 lines more this year
Applications of our product: SMPS, PCI, motherboards, controllers, CCTV, telecommunication, DVD, MP3, GPRS, military and more
Primary competitive advantages:
Shenzhen has the biggest electronic market
We can procure most of component in the shortest at the low-price
We have good business relationship with main IC manufacturers, such as NS, TI, ON, Fairchild, ST, Microchip and more
We have our own PCB factory, can offer one-stop service for client
Our employees are experienced and stable
High-precision machine and equipment can guarantee quality
X-ray, AOI, visual checking and function test confirm our delivery goods 100% past
All inquiries will be replied within 2 hours
Rich experience in importing and exporting
Good relationship with all kinds of forwarder

Datos del Vendedor


Miembro Gratis desde 29/01/2015

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