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Kitchen knives & knife sets & ceramic knife


Kitchen knives & knife sets & ceramic knife
Razor sharp blade for precision cutting.

Knives won"t rust,stain. It can retain food odors.

**GENERAL USE AND CLEANING TIPS: Before use, wash all contents inwarm water with mild soap. Rinse and air dry., Ceramic cutlery isideal for straight cuts on fruits, vegetables, and boneless meats.AVOID using these knives for carving; boning; chopping; smashing;stirring in hot temperatures as ceramic materials conducts heat;and cutting on frozen or extremely hard food. Excessive bending maydamage the blades., ALWAYS use on recommended surfaces such as woodor polyethylene cutting board. DO NOT USE on glass, marble, andother metal surfaces. The ceramic set is NOT dishwasher safe andnot recommended to soak in water for long periods of time.

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Miembro Gratis desde 27/03/2013

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