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Sacha Inchi Oil


Inca Health's Sacha Inchi's oil presents a high aminoacid contents, rich in vitamin A and E. It contains approximately five hundred calories and a high Iodine content.
The first scientific mention of Sacha Inchi or Plukenitia Volubilis L. was made in 1980 due to the fat and protein content found by the scientist of Cornell University. That's when the world put its eyes on Sacha Inchi.. It was demonstrated that Sacha Inchi's seeds have elevated protein (33%) and oil (49%) content levels. Therefore it was recognized as one of the richest natural nutrients. Sacha Inchi has the highest levels of Omega 3 known.

Inca Health's Sacha Inchi's oil presents a high aminoacid contents, rich in vitamin A and E. It contains approximately five hundred calories and a high Iodine content.

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Miembro Gratis desde 10/01/2008

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